With the aim to curtail environmental pollution, National Building Construction Corporation (NBCC) has partnered with Delhi Development Authority (DDA) to plant 10 lakh trees of 8-12 feet height during the monsoon season, announced Ministry of Housing and Urban Affairs on Tuesday.
“We will be planting 10 lakh trees of 8-12 feet height during this monsoon season. Different state bodies such as @OfficialNBCC are coming forward to plant 25,000 trees, CPWD and PWD 50,000, DMRC 20,000 and @official_dda will plant in lakhs,” the MoHUA tweeted on Tuesday.
While the pollution has degraded the air conditions and prompted awful circumstances around, the departments like Central Public Works Department (CPWD), Public Work Department (PWD) and Delhi Metro Rail Corporation (DMRC) have stepped forward supporting the move. To curb it, CPWD will plant 25,000 trees, PWD – 50,000 and DMRC – 20,000.
The National Afforestation Programme under the Ministry of Environment, Climate and Forest Change has been conducive to the ensure immaculate environment. Some inclusive efforts viz-a-viz include the plantation of millions of trees every year across the nation.
Supporting the efforts by Government towards reducing pollution, the Minister of Environment, Forest and Climate Change Harsh Vardhan displaying the India State of Forest Report (ISFR) says there has been an increase in the forest cover by 6,778 sq. km and that of tree cover by 1, 243 sq. km. Also, explaining the funds to be utilised in environmental projects, the Minister of State for Environment Mahesh Sharma conveys Rs 50,000 crore are available in Compensatory Afforestation Fund (CAF) to spread the green drive.