Madhya Pradesh Transport Department will now be offering its citizen-centric services through the UMANG (Unified Mobile Application for New-age Governance) app, a unified multi-channel platform that has been launched with the aim to deliver various Government services online in a transparent and efficient way.
“#UMANGforAll Madhya Pradesh Transport Department is a pioneer in using Information Technology for providing citizen centric services. People of MP can now use such services through @UmangOfficial_ app as well,” said a tweet by Government-affiliated UMANG app on Tuesday.
In Madhya Pradesh, ‘e-Nagar Palika’ services are already available on UMANG app which extends support to citizens to file and track complaints, pay property tax and water bills and register birth, marriage and death. To a larger extent, it reduces the efforts of citizens by reducing their physical efforts and providing explicit accessibility.
UMANG provides seamless integration with popular customer centric services like Aadhaar and Digilocker. UMANG will soon be providing integration with various other services such as PayGov.
Presently, the application has access to 1,200 central and state government services and operates in 13 languages across India.