The Urban Development Ministry reportedly released the list of Smart Cities, which includes 98 cities as of now.
Mumbai, Kolakata, Lucknow, Jaipur, Ranchi and Bhubaneswar are among the cities who have grabbed the place in the list. According to reports, some smaller cities have outdone the state capitals. Reportedly, Patna, Shimla, Thiruvananthapuram, Gangtok and Bengaluru did not make it to the list
Now, the cities will have to face second stage of competition. In the second stage, each of the potential smart cities would prepare their proposals for participation in the ‘City Challenge’. This is a crucial stage as each city’s Smart City Proposal (SCP) is expected to contain the model chosen, whether retrofitting or redevelopment or greenfield development or a mix thereof, and additionally include a Pan-City dimension with Smart Solutions.
The government had assigned the number of cities each state/union territory can nominate cities under the 100 Smart Cities project and the Atal Mission for Rejuvenation and Urban Transformation (AMRUT) scheme.
With 13 cities under the smart cities project and 54 cities under the AMRUT scheme, Uttar Pradesh could nominate the maximum number of cities. Tamil Nadu grabbed the second spot with the allocation of 12 smart cities and 33 AMRUT cities.