For sustainable waste management in the cities groaning under the burden of Municipal Solid Waste (MSW) lying unused, Public Private Partnership (PPP) model for Solid Waste Management (SWM) has been recommended by K Kasturirangan, head of the Task Force constituted by the Planning Commission. It panel has the mandate for a viable gap funding by the Government .
The Task Force has strongly recommended PPP as a model of service delivery to achieve the targets set for sustainable waste management, said a press statement. “A model scheme has also been detailed for setting up waste-to-energy projects through PPP model, including a viability gap funding up to 40 percent,” it added.
The group was asked to identify technically feasible, financially affordable and environmentally sound processing and disposal technologies for MSW and evaluate technological options, financial mechanisms and institutional arrangements to enhance resource recovery and promote waste-to-energy technologies.
At present, urban India generates 1,70,000 tonnes of MSW every day. Of this, only 19 percent is treated and rest goes to dump sites, causing serious health problems and adverse impact on environment. The situation is assuming alarming proportions.
The report highlights the need for an integrated approach towards MSW management, stressing on reduction and segregation of waste at source and efficient utilisation of various components of waste. It also lays emphasis on the need to set up centralised and decentralised waste processing facilities keeping in view the quantity and quality of waste generated and financial viability of the processing technology.
The report provides guidance for the selection of appropriate technology and clearly indicates technologies that could be adopted by various classes of cities. It also emphasises on the need to convert combustible waste into refuse derived fuel (RDF) and use it for setting up power plants based on RDF.
The report is being sent to the chief ministers of all states for use as a guideline document for integrated waste management. This report is expected to provide appropriate linkages to the new MSW rules being currently framed by Ministry of Environment and Forests and the National Manual for Solid Waste Management, which is being revised by Ministry of Urban Development.