An array of domain experts have stepped in as Independent Directors for the Bhubaneswar Smart City Limited (BSCL) to advise the newly-formed company for the development of the ambitious Smart City Project.
The Odisha Government has issued a notification appointing the five Independent Directors to BSCL – Madhav Pai, Saveeta Mohanty, Aamer Azeemi, Sandipan Chakravortty and Bhavin Sheth.
“They are experts in their respective fields and the BSCL will benefit from their wide experience,” said a senior SPV official.
The Bhubaneswar’s Smart City Proposal was adjudged as the best one among all the entries at the national level and BSCL was formed as the first SPV among the 20 cities, which were declared under the Smart Cities Mission, under the Ministry of Urban Development.
The independent directors are:
Madhav Pai, the India Director of the WRI Ross Centre for Sustainable Cities is also the co-founder of EMBARQ India which is a leader in Urban Mobility issues in India. Pai has wide global experience in the Transportation Planning. He is a graduate in Civil Engineering from University of Mumbai and Master of Science in Transportation from University of California, Berkeley.
Saveeta Mohanty is currently working as Faculty in the Xavier Institute of Management, Bhubaneswar, teaching Human Resource Management, Training and Development and Business Communications. She has completed graduation from M S University Baroda and later completed PG Diploma from XLRI, Jamshedpur, and Ph D in HRM from Utkal University. She has earlier worked for Wipro Corporation, Eastern Media Limited and also as a Promoter of Max Care Laboratories Limited. She is actively involved with various State government companies as Independent Director and was Executive Committee Member of CII.
Aamer Azeemi is one of the leading experts on Smart Cities in India. He worked as the Managing Director of Cisco Consulting Services, India. Azeemi was the Strategy Advisor for building the ICT Master Plan for four Smart cities on the Delhi-Mumbai Industrial Corridor. He has wide global experience in the ICT sector having worked in IBM, Apple, Wipro etc. He is a BE (Electronics and Communication) graduate from Osmania University and did his MS (Bio Engineering) from Texas A&M University, USA.
Sandipan Chakravortty was the Chairman of the Jamshedpur Utilities and Services Company (JUSCO). He had a brilliant academic career having completed studies in B.Tech and M.Tech from IIT Kharagpur and later pursuing the advanced management courses in USA and in INSEAD (France). Mr Chakravortty brings in wide experience in the corporate affairs having worked as the MD of the TATA Ryerson Ltd and also Past Chairman in the CII Eastern Region Council.
Bhavin Sheth has more than 25 years experience in various ICT fields including Internet of Things (IOT), Smart Cities Infrastructure, digital infrastructure and telecommunications. He is presently working as a Start up Mentor for companies working in the field of Smart Cities technology, IoT and Big Data. He has a wide global Technology experience having worked in companies like CISCO Systems, BEA-Oracle, Computer Aid etc. He completed graduation from Bombay University in BE ( Computer Engineering) and MS (Computer Engineering), Rutgers University, NJ, USA.