Chandigarh Mayor Conducts Thorough Review of Smart City Initiatives

Anup Gupta

In a recent development, the Mayor of Chandigarh, Anup Gupta, presided over a comprehensive review meeting to assess the progress of various projects undertaken by Chandigarh Smart City Limited (CSCL). This evaluation took place during a session of the Chandigarh Smart City Advisory Forum held on Monday.

During the meeting, NP Sharma, the Chief General Manager of CSCL, presented a detailed overview of both completed and ongoing projects. The CSCL’s Chief Executive Officer (CEO), Anindita Mitra, was also in attendance.

The discussion at the meeting encompassed a wide range of projects, including public bike sharing, garbage transfer stations combined with material recovery facilities, supervisory control and data acquisition (SCADA) systems for monitoring solid waste management vehicles, smart educational solutions, tertiary treatment initiatives, and more. The city mayor was also updated on the status of sewerage treatment plants.

Mayor Gupta emphasized the positive impact of these smart city projects, highlighting their role in reducing traffic violations, carbon emissions, and fuel consumption through the adaptive traffic control system (ATCS). He also noted the resolution of criminal cases with the assistance of CCTV surveillance. Gupta further revealed that the intelligent traffic management system (ITMS) had recorded approximately 28 lakh violations in the past 17 months, resulting in over 10 lakh challans issued and an expected revenue of around ₹12 crore generated by the traffic police.

During the meeting, Mayor Gupta took the opportunity to extend his congratulations to the CSCL team for their outstanding achievements. These accolades included winning the Best UT Award, the top award for governance and mobility projects, and the third award in the SCADA sanitation category at the India Smart Cities Award Contest 2022. The CSCL team also secured first place in the Learnathon organized by the National Institute of Urban Affairs and received the “Outstanding Concrete Structure 2023” award for ICCC, PCCC, and SCADA from the Indian Concrete Institute.