Norway’s Liberstad private city has adopted cryptocurrency City Coin as its official currency. This is the first known case of any city having adopted thy city chain based cryptocurrency.
This cryptocurrency uses a Smart City platform that enables the design, implementation and use of next-generation services for Smart Cities and their inhabitants.
This unique currency system builds an opportunity to offer services on a private, internal and voluntary basis.
Located in Southern Norway, Liberstad has created a Smart City platform for various utilities. It also has a dashboard for its inhabitants.
By accessing City Hub using a municipal app, citizens can interact with the community, manage their identities, create city-wide initiatives or vote on existing ones, register property, contract insurance and more.
While the broader features of City Hub are under development by the City Chain Foundation, the platform’s native currency, City Coin, is tradeable and functional today.
Now City Coin is the only medium of exchange within Liberstad. It will be used for the payment of city services and worker wages and for funding civic projects.
City Coin is available for trading on p2pb2b exchange and Liberstad’s Block Exchange (LBX).