Prime Minister Narendra Modi, on February 19, launched the ‘Mahabahu-Brahmaputra‘, a programme to strengthen connectivity through waterways. Moreover, the PM launched multiple development projects in that state and laid the foundation stone of Dhubri Phulbari Bridge via video conferencing.
Excerpts from the PM’s virtual address at the inaugural ceremony
PM Modi said that the Centre along with the Government of Assam has been trying to strengthen the cultural and physical integrity of Assam. Naming the Brahmaputra river as one of the major sources of connectivity for years, the PM said that the Centre has been making recurring efforts to link Assam with the northeastern states.
Speaking on Dhubri Phulbari Bridge, the PM highlighted that the 8 km long bridge connecting Kalibari Ghat to Jorhat will be a boon for thousands of families in Majuli. Further, he said, “We are working towards strengthening the multimodal connectivity of Assam and the North East states.” Meghalaya is 250 km from Assam by road. As per the PM’s address, the distance will be shortened to 19-20 km owing to the bridge. “This bridge will also prove to be significant for the international movement of traffic to other nations,” the PM added.
PM Modi cited multimodal connectivity as a string example of Aatmanirbhar Bharat and added that the first helipad of Assam has also been built in Majuli. Therefore, Majuli residents are going to get a faster and safer alternative to road transportation.
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Expressing his thoughts on the Mahabahu-Brahmaputra programme, the PM deliberated that this program will strengthen connectivity through waterways across the region leveraging the waters of the Brahmaputra.
Also, the PM inaugurated a state data centre for Assam. While its inaugurating, he said, the data centre will help in establishing a robust BPO ecosystem in the northeast. It will give a new boost to the Digital India Mission in the North East.
According to the Center, the commencement of operations of the Ro-Pax vessel will mark the launch of the Mahabahu-Brahmaputra programme. The vessel will operate between Neamati-Majuli Island, North Guwahati-South Guwahati and Dhubri-Hatsingimari. The programme is expected to provide seamless connectivity to the northeastern states of India. Also, it includes various development activities for the people living around the Brahmaputra river and the Barak river.