India loses $20 billion due to road traffic annually: Uber

For the past three years, Uber-a leader in urban mobility-is celebrating the rich culture of Chandigarh. More than 20 lakh cars have been registered in Chandigarh.

“50 years from now, Chandigarh can either look like a park, or a parking lot. The problem is not of the car themselves, but how we end them using them eventually,” said Nitish Bhushan, General Manager, Uber, while speaking at the Smart City Conclave, held on July 28-29.


In the last 15 years, more than two crore cars have been added to the Indian roads. The country is losing 20 billion dollars annually due to road traffic.

“Traffic leads a person to spend less  time with family and work and hence, increases his  stress. About 20 per cent of the global carbon dioxide emission is due to cars. A huge area of a city is used to store this huge chunk of steel. Unfortunately, parking spaces are encouraged instead of discouraging in cities now,”observed Bhushan.

“To create a future of Urban Mobility in a Smart City, it is essential to ensure that everybody has access to affordable and reliable transportaion everywhere. Uber is reaching every hook and corner of a city in less than five minutes,” added Bhushan.

He emphasised the need to have “last mile connectivity for the public transport to achieve the Urban Mobility in a Smart City.”

Many Indian States have adopted the concept of ‘Bike-Sharing’ which helps in reducing traffic on roads.

“We need to parallely decongest the cities by discouraging private car ownerships in the city,” he signed off.